Friday, May 16, 2008

Field Day The Olympics May 13

We finished up our last scheduled activity for our homeschool co-op. It was field day. It was at our church in the back of the parking lot. The kids had a lot of fun. They played 5 different games and everything went relatively smooth. It was nice and sunny but the breeze was a bit cool still. The kids played a game with a plunger and a ball. They carried the ball in the plunger like a torch( for those of you reading this the plungers were brand new and never used!) to the finish line and then back to pass it to their team mate. They did a javelin throw, tug of war, broad jump and one more game I can't remember. After it was over everyone received their own medal that was made by the mom who put this whole field day together. After playing the games everyone had a picnic in the back of the parking lot. We talked some and the kids played a little. One of the kids took home a souvenir, a tick. Lucky him. The mom spotted it in enough time before it came an issue! Right now everything is slowing down and getting ready to finish up school.

This is our little turtle we found.

I Carry Your Heart E.E. Cummings

Twila Paris Only You Dear Daddy

Anita Renfroe