Sunday, August 31, 2008

Having Fun Before Bed

One night last week Kaitlyn decided to have a party for her squirmmel (sp). It is one of those fuzzy caterpillars that have an almost invisible string so it looks like it is moving by itself. She decided it was going to be beach party. By the way the party only lasted about 15 min because it was time for bed. Both the girls decided it was time to go surfing. I thought it was cute and they had music from the Beach Boys, Surfin' Safari. Me and Joel just kind of watched them and told them how well they knew how to surf!! It was fun and it is always interesting to watch the girls come up with their own ways to do things.

1 comment:

melissahill75 said...

Such creative little girls! I love how they use their imagination- it looks like they had so much fun!! :-) I love you all so much!

I Carry Your Heart E.E. Cummings

Twila Paris Only You Dear Daddy

Anita Renfroe